Tuesday, March 31, 2009

St. Patrick's Day at the Bashore BrewHaus

Original posting of video:

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cold Hearted Snape

I wake up to the radio, and one morning I woke up to Paula Abdul's "Cold Hearted Snake." The first thing that snapped into my head was, hey, that would be funny if I said Snape instead of snake and put it to some Harry Potter video. Honest to God, that was my first thought. Fast forward 2 days, I mention this to some friends in a car ride to Best Buy on our lunch break from work and they thought it was funny. So, we get back to the office, we record our voices, 20 mins later and some creative editing and we have ourselves a new music video: Cold Hearted Snape....enjoy!

Ludicious News 3-30-09

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Flick2 Movie Review: Aliens VS. Monsters

Today I went to go see Aliens VS. Monsters in 3D. First impression, awesome. I watched this movie in digital 3D, not IMAX 3D, but guess what, I think digital 3D is better. Anyway, this movie was hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud at some very fresh humor and also, some very adult humor hidden in a children's movie; an added treat.

Aliens VS. Monsters follows the story of Susan, who on her wedding day, gets hit by a meteor which causes her to grow to the height of a 50 foot woman. Thus, after being captured by the government, we are all introduced to the rest of the monster cast. The monsters, led by their "warden," General W.R. Monger, include a cast of the missing link, Insectasaurus, Dr. Cockroach, and B.O.B. My favorite scenes starred B.O.B., voiced by Seth Rogen, perfect casting in my eyes. A pleasant surprise was the casting of Stephen Colbert as the President of the United States of America. Also, I applaud whomever chose the music for when the President first appeared on screen, which of course was a new version of the B-52's, "Planet Claire." For all of you other movie buffs out there, this music was also used in the movie "Mystery Men" for the entrance of The Spleen.

Aliens VS. Monsters is a wonderful movie for both parents and kids, so I say everyone go out and watch it now. Also, stay until the end of the credits, there is an added bonus at the end for those who want to wade through the credits.

Flick2 Review:
5 stars out of 5

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The other day we all went on to the roof at work to check out satellite alignment. We got our picture taken from down below and it got me to thinking. I've seen on a lot of movie titles and still shots that you just want to spice up, using a layered method. So, I chopped up the photo and tried to separate out some stuff to get an effect. I think we look like the A-Team minus Mr. T.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ludicious News 3-23-09

Flick2 Movie Review: Knowing

I went to see the movie Knowing for two reasons, reason 1 was that my Aunt wanted to go see it and reason 2, it was shot with the new Red Cameras.
To best explain my initial reaction to the movie I will explain it like I am baking a cake.

Recipe for Knowing:
  • First, mix in one part Da Vinci Code to one part National Treasure.
  • Stir in a cup of The Day the Earth Stood Still starring Keanu Reeves.
  • Break in 2 horror movies like The Ring and The Grudge.
  • Bake for 2 hours.
  • Ice with the original plot line for the Superman Movie.
  • Digest slowly and carefully while not over analyzing the fact that Nicholas Cage is a strange actor and you probably should not have seen this movie and you find yourself doubting the fact that you strangely liked this movie knowing that you shouldn't.
In all seriousness, Knowing was pretty good. It had a good Outer Limits mystery feeling to the movie and the suspense of a good M. Night Shyamalan movie. I do not want to give away the ending, but there is one scene where Nicholas Cage is on a chase (suprise suprise). He is riding in a big truck and instead of just parking it and getting out quickly to reach his goal, he jumps a curve, flys 5 feet in the air and lands, sliding into a blues brothers parking job, then runs out of his car in that classic Nic Cage fashion. It was completely out of place but was cool to see. And thats what this movie is, out of place, but interesting to watch. It makes you think at the end which is a quality I can admire.

Flick2 Review:
4 stars out of 5

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Taylor Report

More Ludicious News

Ludicious News

Awhile ago I was out to lunch with friends from work and we were eating at this place called Mango's where inside was a ceramic giraffe head. We got to talking all crazy like and it got to the point in the conversation where we said that the Loch Ness Monster was really an aquatic giraffe. I saw this as an opportunity. Upon returning to work I made a fake news article and sent it out and just kept making them since every other day. This is the origin of Ludicious News. Now, you may ask, where did you get that name, Ludicious News? Well, that comes from a flub of my own, for about a year now, I've been calling the font Lucida, Ludicia, and I was finally corrected of this. Hilarity ensued, and now, when things get off the wall and all crazy, they can be said to be Ludicious. One day it will be in the dictionary, mark my words. Any way, I'm going to post all of the Ludicious News articles here that were origianally posted on Facebook, they will stay on both sites. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Echoes of Pink Floyd

Recently I've had the opportunity to do some production with Echoes of Pink Floyd, a really sweet Pink Floyd Tribute Band. You can find out more about them here:


I've always wanted to shoot a live concert so I got that chance when Echoes played the Sun Theatre in Grand Ledge. I went out once during a light test to check out the layout.

The concert went great, and we got this awesome promo for the band because of it.

Then, to even enhance things more, new lasers were purchased to make the shows even better. When you watch, make sure you click the high quality button for optimum viewing.