Today I went to go see Aliens VS. Monsters in 3D. First impression, awesome. I watched this movie in digital 3D, not IMAX 3D, but guess what, I think digital 3D is better. Anyway, this movie was hilarious. I found myself laughing out loud at some very fresh humor and also, some very adult humor hidden in a children's movie; an added treat.
Aliens VS. Monsters follows the story of Susan, who on her wedding day, gets hit by a meteor which causes her to grow to the height of a 50 foot woman. Thus, after being captured by the government, we are all introduced to the rest of the monster cast. The monsters, led by their "warden," General W.R. Monger, include a cast of the missing link, Insectasaurus, Dr. Cockroach, and B.O.B. My favorite scenes starred B.O.B., voiced by Seth Rogen, perfect casting in my eyes. A pleasant surprise was the casting of Stephen Colbert as the President of the United States of America. Also, I applaud whomever chose the music for when the President first appeared on screen, which of course was a new version of the B-52's, "Planet Claire." For all of you other movie buffs out there, this music was also used in the movie "
Mystery Men" for the entrance of The Spleen.
Aliens VS. Monsters is a wonderful movie for both parents and kids, so I say everyone go out and watch it now. Also, stay until the end of the credits, there is an added bonus at the end for those who want to wade through the credits.
Flick2 Review:
5 stars out of 5